Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)

Hyatt  凱悅酒店集團推出 2019 年第 1 次 World of Hyatt 凱悅天地售賣點數促銷活動。通過官網購買點數可獲得額外 30% 獎勵,相當於 7.7 折優惠。凱悅每年都有好幾次購買點數促銷活動,每次持續約 1 個月。40% 獎勵才是凱悅購買點數促銷的最低價,所以此次促銷剛需可以少量購入,不急的可以再等下一次。


促銷時間:截止至 2019-2-22(約北京時間 2019-2-23 13:00)

凱悅點數的銷售服務是由合作夥伴 提供,關於 的詳細介紹可以參考以下文章:常旅客購買飯店點數或者航空哩程的專門網站 介紹


購買點數需至少購買 1,000 點,購買 5,000 點以上即可獲得 30% 獎勵。

每個凱悅天地賬號每年最多可以購買 55,000 點,加上贈送的 16,500 點,總共可獲得 71,500 點。

成本就是:$1320 美金 ÷ 71,500 點 × 1000 = $18.46 美金/千點。

Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)

購買點數後,點數的有效期是 24 個月。期間只要點數數量有任何變動(增/減),有效期都會自動順延 24 個月。


凱悅的飯店 5,000 點即可免費兌換一晚最便宜的 Cat1 飯店標準客房,
成本是:5 × $18.46 美金/千點 = $92.3 美金。

計算出點數兌換成本以後,再對比一下 Hyatt 官網的現金價格,您就知道是否值得購買點數來兌換免房了。通常有不少 Cat1 至 Cat3 的飯店,通過購買點數來兌換點數房是很划算的。而有時候,點數兌換高 Cat 飯店,特別是旅遊旺季的時候,同樣可以獲得極高性價比。

Cat1 飯店的成本如下(30% 獎勵):

  • 標準客房,每晚 5,000 點,成本 $92.3 美金
  • 嘉賓軒客房,每晚 7,000 點,成本 $129.22 美金
  • 套房,每晚 8,000 點,成本 $147.68 美金
Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)


凱悅 Cat1 飯店 - 重慶富力凱悅酒店(Hyatt Regency Chongqing),用現金訂房的價格是 US$102,加上稅費的價格是 US$116.42。▼

Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)

而用點數兌換僅需每晚 5,000 點,而且免稅費。通過此次 30% 獎勵促銷購買點數的換房成本是 US$92.3,比現金成本便宜了 US$24.12,相當於 8 折優惠。在 40% 獎勵的時候就更便宜了。


Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)

其實使用點數兌換高 Cat 類別的凱悅酒店更划算,例如:馬爾地夫柏悅酒店(Cat6)。平常最低標準房價是 US$850,加上稅費後是 US$1064.8。而使用點數兌換隻需要 25,000 點,成本是 US$461.5,便宜了一半還多。如果是旅遊旺季的時候,成本差距更大。▼

Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)
Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)


Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)

從上圖可以看到,「點數+現金」只是把全點數的一半換成固定的金額。那麼只要現金部分的價格小於點數部分的價格(購買點數成本),使用「點數+現金」兌換就更划算。通過計算,Cat2 - Cat6 飯店使用「點數+現金」兌換比全點數兌換更划算。

為方便大家比較價格,最後總結一下通過購買點數來兌換免費住宿的各 Cat 成本。紅色字體代表全點數或者「點數+現金」更便宜。▼

Hyatt 凱悅購買點數促銷:通過官網購買點數享額外 30% 獎勵,利用點數房低價入住凱悅酒店(2019-2-22 前)


Offer available with purchases made between 12:01 am ET January 22, 2019 and ends 11:59 pm February 22, 2019.

Purchase 5,000 or more Bonus Points in a single transaction and receive 30% additional Bonus Points. Bonus Points will be awarded upon completion of individual transactions. Bonus Points can be purchased in increments of 1,000, up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Additional Bonus Points awarded under this offer do not count towards these maximums. Members can receive points in increments of 1,000, up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Offer may be withdrawn or changed without notice. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Only purchases made online are eligible for the promotion.

Price includes all applicable fees. GST/HST will be charged to Canadian residents. This transaction is completed by Purchased points are not refundable and transactions are non-reversible. Purchased points are applicable toward all World of Hyatt awards. Points purchased using this option will post within 48 hours. You may purchase World of Hyatt Bonus points in increments of 1,000 up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Purchased points do not count toward World of Hyatt elite membership tiers. All World of Hyatt Terms and Conditions apply. Offer available with purchases made between 12:01 am ET October 22, 2018 and ends 11:59 pm November 27, 2018. Purchase 5,000 or more Bonus Points in a single transaction and receive 40% additional Bonus Points. Bonus Points will be awarded upon completion of individual transactions. Bonus Points can be purchased in increments of 1,000, up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Members can receive points in increments of 1,000, up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Additional Bonus Points awarded under this offer do not count towards these maximums. Offer may be withdrawn or changed without notice. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Only purchases made online are eligible for the promotion.

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